Our beliefs
Love of God and Neighbor

St. John's is a Christian church in the Episcopal tradition.  We have beautiful formal liturgy with a bright, positive spirit.  We believe in Jesus Christ and His holy teaching.  This is expressed through the great commandment that we should love God with all that we are, and we should love our neighbors as ourselves.  We believe in the orthodox faith as found in the Nicene Creed, and this faith propels us out into the community to serve those in need.  St. John's is a place to hear beautiful music, engage with holy Scripture, hear thoughtful sermons, and be a part of the sacramental life as expressed by the church throughout history and all over the world.  I hope you will join us as we all try to live the life that God has given us the best we can.  

And How We Pray
We KNOW God is always listening and ready to hear our prayers

While Episcopalians, including those of use who regularly worship at St. John's, often pray in our own words, allowing our hearts and spirits to reach out to God in the words of the moment, we also have a rich history of liturgies commended by the Church. The links below provide a description of how we celebrate the Holy Eucharist, or the Lord's Supper or Holy Communion as it is often called, as well as the variety of structured prayers for various parts of the day which can be done by lay persons without clergy involvement.

How we Celebrate Holy Eucharist - Text version

How we Celebrate Holy Eucharist - Video version from the National Episcopal Church

An Introduction to Episcopal Daily Prayer - Text